
EVA London 2022

4th – 8th July 2022
BCS Moorgate, London

Held annually in July, EVA London is one of the international Electronic Visualisation & the Arts conferences. The first EVA conference was held in 1990, with the intention to create a space for people using or interested in the new technologies to share their experiences and network in a friendly, collaborative atmosphere.

Sean Clark from Interact Digital Arts has been involved with the conference for a number of years. His contributions to the 2022 conference are listed below. 

Monday 4th July: Computer Arts Society Social Evening

The CAS Social is an annual part of the EVA London programme, This year's event began with an update on the progress of the Computer Arts Archive from Sean Clark.

Video Recording (Unedited)

Tuesday 5th July: "Rebuilding Ernest Edmonds' Communication Game" Paper

This paper presents work on rebuilding, representing, and potentially expanding Ernest Edmonds' pioneering digital artwork Communication Game.

Video Recording (Unedited)

Wednesday 6th July: China Connections Session

We have run China activities at EVA for the past three years. This year there was a session on Wednesday morning co-organised by Sean Clark and Yi Ji at Gruangdong University of Technology.


9:35 Introduction: Sean Clark
9:40 Zhigang Wang
9:55 Lihong Lou
10:10 Student Talks
10:25 Questions Discussion
10:45 Paper: Creative Transformations

Video Recording (Unedited)

BCS Moorgate, London

Conference breakout room, BCS Moorgate, London

Conference breakout room, BCS Moorgate, London.

Nick Lambert introducing a keynote ny Charlie Gere

Nick Lambert introducing a keynote ny Charlie Gere.