Computer Arts Archive CIC

New website coming in 2025

Jack Tait's Electromechanical Drawing Machines

Jack Tait's Electromechanical Drawing Machines installed at the Conmputer Art Archive's new collaborative R10 Electronic Media Studio.

The Computer Arts Archive CIC is a not-for-profit company that collects, exhibits and promotes computer arts to benefit artists, audiences, curators, educators and researchers. We produce authoritative AI datasets about computer art and collaborate with other collections, museums and galleries to explore the impact of digital culture and ensure that computer art is recognised as a significant contemporary art form with a rich and diverse history. In particular, we work closely with the Computer Arts Society, a member-based organisation founded in 1968 and the R10 Electronic Media Studio in Leicester. The Computer Arts Archive was founded in 2020 by Dr Sean Clark.

Recent Updates

January 2025

The Leicester Synthi 100 Arrives at R10

The Leicester Synthi 100 Arrives at R10
R10 / Computer Arts Archive

The Leicester Synthi 100 has arrived at the new R10 Electronic Media Studio. This is a significant step towards the start of its restoration. Thanks to all those who helped with the move.

January 2025

8-bit II Exhibition

8-bit II Exhibition
Computer Arts Archive / Exhibitions

An exhibition of original artwork from the 1980s made on 8-bit home computers from the 1980s.

November 2024

R10 Electronic Media Studio

R10 Electronic Media Studio
R10 / Computer Arts Archive

The new R10 Electronic Media Studio will be opening on 1st January 2025 at the LCB Depot in Leicester. View the website holding page for more information.

December 2024

Computer Arts Archive in China

Computer Arts Archive in China
Computer Arts Archive

The Computer Arts Archive was very happy to loan several works from our collection for inclusion in the Creative Machine @ TAM exhibition in Beijing.


CAS50 Collection

A growing collection of digital artworks on paper, initially produced to celebrate 50 years of the Computer Arts Society in 2018. Located in the DMU Special Collections (CAA/01).

Edward Ihnatowicz Archive

The personal archive of pioneering cybernetic artist Edward Ihnatowizc. Located in the DMU Special Collections (CAA/03).

Stroud Cornock Archive

The personal archive of sculptor and sytems artist Stroud Cornock. Currently being migrated to the DMU Special Collections.

Supported by the National Lottery Heritage Lottery Fund.

Jack Tait Collection

Drawing machines and drawings produced by Jack Tait between 1960 and 2024. Currently being migrated to the DMU Special Collections.

Supported by the National Lottery Heritage Lottery Fund.

Paul Brown Archive

Paul Brown Archive

Artworks, papers and artefacts relating to pioneering computer artist Paul Brown. Currently being migrated to the DMU Special Collections.

ISEA Physical Archive

ISEA Physical Archive

Located in the DMU Special Collections (CAA/02).

Computer Arts Society Exhibitions

Computer Arts Society Exhibitions

Prints, publications and ephemera relaring to Computer Arts Society's exhibition programme. Currently being migrated to the DMU Special Collections.

Computer Arts Society Archive

Computer Arts Society Archive

Digital and physical materials relating to the Computer Arts Society, established in 1968. Including PAGE Magazine. Currently being migrated to the DMU Special Collections.


The Leicester Synthi 100

The Leicester Synthi 100

More details coming soon.

Leicester Digital Art History

Leicester Digital Art History

An exploration of Leicester's impressive computer art history.
Supported by Leicester City Council.

1990s/2000s Live Multimedis

1990s/2000s Live Multimedia

Details coming soon.
Supported by the National Lottery Heritage Lottery Fund.

British Cybernetic Art 1965 - 1975

British Cybernetic Art 1965 - 1975
Developing a preservation strategy for cybernetic artworks from the late 1960s and early 1970s.
Supported by the Paul Mellon Centre.

1980s 8-bit Art

1980s 8-bit Art

Including the Micro Arts Collection and the 8-bit  exhibition programme.

Sean Clark Archive

Sean Clark Archive

An on-going project to document Sean Clark's extensive collection of archival and Computer Art materials

EVA London Archive

EVA London Archive

Proceedings Currently located at The New Media Art Club.

The Computer Arts Library

The Computer Arts Library

Currently located at R10 Electronic Media Studio.


We welcome financial donations to the Computer Arts Archive CIC, a non-profit registered in England. All funds raised will go directly to running of the archive and the R10 Electronic Media Studio. Please get in touch with us if you wish to make a larger donation or discuss the donation of artwork or artefacts.

Supporters & Collaborators

Computer Arts Society
Interact Digital Arts
DMU Special Collections
R10 Electronic Media Studio
New Media Art Club
Heritahe Lottery Fund

Computer Arts Archive CIC
LCB Depot
31 Rutland Street
United Kingdom

Company number 12400957